A Day In The Life With Me

Sep 25, 2007

naw naw naw~

gave back Alvin'z ibanezz bakk this mornin.. huhu.. sobzz.. well atleast i had some few pictures taken..

erm.. skool.. was just normal la.. but kinda bored cuz the *bleep* teachers separated our placez.. but stupid win still didnt stop annoying me.. arr~! he pulled my hair today and messed up my hair.. trying to make a mohawk.. geez.. "hen fan er~" and he accidentally dropped my phone..after skool~ haihz.. butterfingers.. i bet he purposely de.. jkjk. hahaha.. i took some of his picts after skool.. hand gatal bit..

oh yea.. i drew a dolphin ystd.. and asked win and keat to guess whut is it..

--it went sumthing like that--

me : wei..! guess whut this looks like?
keat: eh.. erm.. look like de ar... err.. de..
me: er.. tweety bird isit? (wild guess)
keat: YAYA~! haha. .
me: waa. isit..lol..

me: wei.. win guess whut this looks like?
win: the.. chips.. man with misai de.. mr.potato..
me: harR?? lolx~



eh.. rewind back to the class.. read in the news paper some indonesian women cut her dudes didi.... out of jealousy of her hubbies 2nd wive.. i was asked if it was half or .. *goosebumps* haha.. nways.. the doctors gonna reattach it back.. (geez) wanna knoe more read todays newspaper lo k.. haha.. andy asked whut if the doctor attached it terbalik le? whut do u think? haihz.. gudluck for the guy in the operation thinging? >.<"

(0..0)" oh ya.. the question of the day..

(we have nth else better to talk about so.. like that lo)
to guys : wud u rather live without balls or didi?


- guys dunt wan their balls..

- 2 guys dunwan their didi..

- alvin wans both.. he dun care.. [greed] hahaha..

[oh ya.. they made a huge fuss bout it.. guys really oh.. ahaha..]

to girls: no breast or no mei mei..

[lol..wtf.."mei mei.."]


- girls dunwan their boobs..

- 2/3 gurls wans boobs..

- so far.. non says wan both.. [not greedy?]


pohpoh a.k.a poh kiat just called me fake..

he said i was trying to be polite..
all i did was say "yes?" when he nudged me.. haha..
stupid poh poh..
he spoil my mood..
saying got english la tmr~!

ishness.. oh ya.. he asks if this girl is a goldfish..
haha.. he said looks like goldfish.. hahah.. kinda true..
i still love u tho u're a pain n lansi n.. (ok better stop now.. i can go on all night ) poh poh... haha..

err.. ok la.. thats all for today.. so much dy.. haha.. buh bye..



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