A Day In The Life With Me

Sep 28, 2007


Skool wuz fun.. W33~ Kinda hyped up in clazz during bm lesson with Mun and Chi Chi (Li Chi).. Chi Chi says she's happy today.. dunno why oh.. hehe.. how cute of her.. we kept ermm.. "snapping??" with each others bra strap.. lol.. piak~! haha.. nth else to do ma.. zzz.. Edwin freaking punched my left arm.. (owww... it hurted.. sob.. wuwu..) his knuckles are big... and it still hurts till now.. grrr.. .. haha.. typical Win.. suddenly his mood changed la.. moody de.. so.. left me, Mun , Chi Chi and Keat.. haha.. Wei Keat's THE victim today.. he wanted to sleep.. and.. since his hair was long.. i and lichi had the same thinking.. we suddenly took out rubber bands and start to tie his hair.. hahah.. he kept shouting.. "ah~!! pain pain pain~!".. after that.. we snapped him.. oh yea.. before that.. I and Mun conteng"ed" his hand.. if u cant read.. it says.. " Shaz baby is trizzie'z propertie.. not mine " .. and yea.. i spell propertie wrg.. so whut~! hehe.. i drew him some arm hair too.. so.. ahem.. "man" (x.x)".. Wai Mun conteng'ed' too.. she conteng'ed' "dont touch me!"..
*drumrolls* Tada~~~

after skool.. while seeing Poh Poh's hp... i found his baby pict.. not baby.. but.. primary years pict.. i love it~! i know Poh Poh likes it too.. "dunt deny yea Poh Kiat?.." hahaha..

oh ya.. Just & Keat asked why i didnt put cbox.. thats cuz imma dum dum.. so sumone please help.. eheh.. thx.. well.. Thats all folks~! weee~


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