A Day In The Life With Me

Oct 28, 2007

not a lot right now makes sense..

yesterday.. stine, ron, bree, miki, leila and me went to 1utama..
it was suppose to be 7 of us.. aihz.. yen cant make it..
We watch a movie.. ermmm.. whut is it called again? oh yea..

*the last region* haha.. it was interesting..
but.. sum parts are too cheesy and lame..

kk nways.. we went to tgi friday/fridays after the movie..

gawd we were bitching, laughing and joking like mad..

haha.. oh yea~!! b4 that.. bree bree wanna go buy medicine but miki wants to go buy shoes. so we separated.. bree , ron and i went looking 4 guardian..

okay.. im gonna skip the sesat"ing' part when finding Guardian..

so.. guardian was just maybe... 10 steps frm us?
and suddenly we heard *teek teek teek* guess whut?

there's this old dude maybe a round his 40's?? stolen sumthing and was tryna make a run
(nahh.. it was kinda slow.. ) tryna make a walk 4 it then.. =.=''
but he got caught.. haha.. it took like around 3 or 4 security guards to try to pin him down..
sum dude kept shouting for more security guards.. and i was like

"wth? its just an old man? gawd.. how much strength does it take to get a hold of him? "

bree bree and ron ron was kinda freaked out so they went into a shop.
i tried to go closer.. (wanna get a better view) lol..
excited.. its not like i can see this everyday ma.. ahha..

so.. at last that old man got dragged? to.. dunno where..
well.. i kinda pity the old man.. i mean.. whut if he has a family..
kesian la.. haiz.............. .. oh well~!?

after the movie, and lunch.. we went to take picts~ photobooth thigin..

we lala posed, smiley pose, middle finger pose (didnt really like that part),

tougue out pose.. then.. forgot dy.. haha..
cant wat till miki scans the pict.. hehe.. it was fun..


back at home.. it was like only 12.30a.m when i got online..
and im already so exhausted la~
i only slept like 7 + hours / 48 hours?
msn"ing" for a while then cant tahan dy..
then went straight to bed..
sadly..today got church~ arhh~!
have to wake up early again..
ish nesss.. i soooo.. dun feel like going to skool.


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