A Day In The Life With Me

Nov 1, 2007

pictures~! finally~

hmmm.. lets see.. how shud i start off... today is all bout........


yes.. u may eww, yukk, urghh, aiks, *puke* or whutever but yea..
its all .......... sweat.

today morning we had this orchestra practice / full-dressed rehearsal..
i went out my house.. i just KNOW i had everything prepared..
i brought my flute, p.e attire, orchestra attire, badminton racket, normal clothes.. etc..
so.. i reached the skool liao.. went to the class..
right before i was gonna go change..

i paused.

(=.=)" "aiyiak.. black shoes."

kk.. so.. after the rehearsal..
the bsb match already started..
green vs red..
i forgotten who won... green isit?

okay okay, after the bsb match..
comes another match.. the girly girls bsb match?..
not serious de lo.. not representing anything of course..
for fun ny..

(sharon, justine, me, leila and cheyenne)
kuang yee, shi yee, pooi cheng, ju-ann & wen yee)
dunt really know how to spell their names so dunt shoot me k?

at first we were so nervous..

we think wayyy too muchh.. syok sendiri..
3 of them has/had bf's that are born to play bsb..
so.. like that lo..
erm.. 3 players frm each team can play ny.. the others erm.. (spare??)
so..me me, justine justine and cheyenne cheyenne play 1st..

time to play..
the first round..
*prit*.. the game starts.. we were in the (bring it on) kinda mood..

non of us noe only ONE person is allowed to go over the line thingin..
the ball went over the line.. whut do we do?

three three also ran after the ball..
and ppl are already laughing so hard as if they're gonna fall off their chairs.

sum dude shouted..
"THEY DUNNO THE RULES LARH!!" not in a mean kinda way..
*prit* i think the {rule person} said foul i think? dunno la.. i dunno bsb language..

k loh.. nvm.. we then got the hang of it 4 a while..
times up~! break..
scores for round 1 .. . .. . . ..

the form 4's - 8 points.. i think... (^.^)"
US~!!! - 0 point (=.=)"

2nd round comes..

haha.. we have calvin and sum ppl to guide us..
no use tho.. cuz i dumb ma.. you see ar..

i got the ball frm the other team..
okay i got the ball~! (yay~!)..
eh.. sesat liou..

cal: go clear~! clear~! Beatrice~!
me : clear? haaarrhh?
cal: go over the line there..
me : oh oh .. okie~! (yea.. i can do this)

walk to the other side with the ball (ok loh.. not hard)..
it is.. go the other side while dribbling the ball.
haha.. i didnt noe..
then.. *prit* again..
i look over to the rules fella a.k.a pink underwear..
he's on the floor laughing his ass off..

hee.. funny oh.. i oso laugh.. haha..

we thought no hope dy..
then Sharon scored~!!
one point~!!! (*sniff* so proud of ma baby)

then game ended..

- scores -

the form 4's - lost count.. they scored so many..
US~!! - 1 point


then later later.. badminton match..

i and aub representing blue hse..
justine and leila representing green hse..
i and aub lost..
haha.. guess whut? kinda saddening..

lost 3 points cuz aubrey cant serve..
(so "kiut~!") oh well..
Sharon was so supportive.. Yen Yen too~!
i love them~! i love baby~!!

yen yen taught me to smack~!!
my 1st time~!


sweat sweater sweatest..

we went downstairs to chill..
chat chat chat then..
nono.. bell havent rang..
sum glass broke..

2S class's window..
how it broke ..
a gurl leaned on it.
and there u go..


after skool dy go gym..
Miki, Justine, Me and Wai Mun~
went to mum mum 1st.
secret recipe.
2 brownies, 2 cakes.. we shared..
we cudnt finish it ..
this is whut happens..

k then.. later.. go run lo..then rpming.. hahah..

(im tired now so im not gonna talk much bout whut happened there)


alrite.. thats all today~
it was a blast...

i hope it'll be fun..

buh bye~ ^^


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