A Day In The Life With Me

Nov 23, 2007


been tagged by Cheyenne~ ^^

rules 'n' regulation :
--do not copy answers
-the tag questions must be 100% the same
-tag people after doing tag

This tag is sort of different from those tags we always do, it requests you to list out 20 friends name at first.

1. Wei Jun <3
2. Cheyenne
3. Poh Kiat
4. Justine
5. Matt Matt
6. Miki
7. Wei Keat
8. Sharon
9. Shawn Khoo
10. Aubrey
11. Carrick
12. Leila
13. Alvin Puah
14. Wai Mun
15. Edwin Prayogo
16. Ivan Cheong
17. Zhen Hua
18. Sze Liang
19. Jessie Lim
20. Calvin Chew

*how do you know 14?
(Wai Mun)- we're classmates

*what would you do if you had never met 1?
( honeytank) - i won't experience the ultimate
butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling.

*what would you do if 9 and 20 dated you?
(Shawn Khoo + Calvin)- Shawn's my ex. Calvin? lol.

*would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
(Miki & Zhen Hua)- lol! can't imagine la..

*do you think 8 is attractive?
( Sharon) - duh?

*do you know anything about 12's family?
( Leila) - they're very loving?

*tell me something about 7?
( Wei Keat )- he's good in basketball?

*what is 18's favourite?
(Sze Liang) - guitaring~

*what language does 15 speak?
(Edwin Prayogo)- english, mandarin (he doesn't lyk mandarin tho) and Indonesian.

*who is 19 going out with?
(Jessie Lim)- aww.. im not sure.. (miss ya jess *muaxx*)
*how old is 16 now?
(Ivan Cheong)- 7teen

*when was the last time you talked to 13?
(Alvin Puah)- last day of skool.

*who is 2's favourite singer?
(Cheyenne) - to name one, the red jumpsuit apparatus

*would you date 4?
(Justine) - sure~! why not~ haha..

*would you date 17?
(Zhen Hua) - nope.

*is 15 single?
( Edwin Prayogo) - nope.. he's taken and happy~

*what is 10's last name?
(Aubrey) - Tasha Cassandra Carlos?
Cassandra Tasha Carlos?
Carlos Tasha Cassandra??? (x.X)"

*Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11?
( Carrick ) - naww.. i dunt think so.

*which school does 3 go to?
( Poh Kiat)- Skool Sri Acmar~

*where does 6 live?
( Miki )- in a sexy Condominium. ^^

*what is your favourite thing about 5?
(Matt Matt) - he's is caring.

i tag:

1.Poh Kiat



4. Jessie

5. Jay Min


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