A Day In The Life With Me

Nov 4, 2007

Sunway~! happy belated b'day Li Chi~

Gonna talk bout yesterday.. celebrating li chi's belated b'day~!

(haha.. she so adorable..)
well.. we didnt really cellebrate lo actually.. its just like hanging out with her..
like that lo... but we go out cuz of her?? lol.. wth am i saying.. kk..

we were suppose to go to Sunway Lagoon~
end up chilling at Sunway Piramid.. hehe.. why?
we waited for Poh Poh, Andy and Chun Cheat and its already 2.00 pm+ that time

(Lagoon closes at 6.00) + it wuz raining.. but but but... we had fun~!

the ppl that went..

Li Chi (duh?)
Andy Goh
Wei Keat
Chun Cheat
Beatrice (me)
Wai Mun
Edwin Prayogo
(Justine And Miki cant make it)

alrite.. so whut if we cant make it?
we still did fun stuff..
Edwin, Wei Keat, Wai Mun, Li Chi and me went to Kim Gary to mum mum..
then.. chat chat..

i suggested to watch a horror movie~
dunt ask why.. i wuz just in the mood k?
so.. we head over to the cinema..
its either..


we watched 30 days of nights ..
okay.. soo.. the movie..
its gore~ ew~
and very like.. erm..
i swear i like jumped outta my seat at least 2 times..
haha.. 2 times nia la..
it wud've been nicer if they told why are the
cannibalic white faced vampires there and whut made them..
its like.. nth about whut made them de.. ish..
unlike 28 weeks later.. 28 isit?
whutever lu..


after that.. we went skating~!!!
but.. sadly.. Wei Keat gotta run dy..
so.. left all of us.. excluding poor lil Wei Keat..

so.. its my 3rd time skating..
kinda scared..
i LOVE ice.. but.. i dun wanna fall~!
and get my head sliced.. lol.. i think too much..
did i fall btw? yea~ twice.. it felt gud.
i wanna do it again..
i fall but i got back up..
the other times i'm shaking.. tryna get the hang of it.. and yea i did get it a lil bit liou..
ppl on ice there are so nice.. so helpful.. ^^

souvenir frm the ice..

oh yea..
not to forget.. (not that i can)..

mr.Poh Kiat and mr.Andy..
were attracting chicks~
the most "main" de is this..
there's this lala.. =.=" she and her friends..
she kept looking at Andy and Poh Kiat..
after a few mins of admiring them..
she wanted to take a pict..
she whispered to her friends to stand in front of her..
which wuz also infront Poh Poh and Andy..
so she tried to take.. but her friends head wuz blocking.. lol..
Poh Poh turned round and put his arms round my shoulder..
kaka... the gal kinda "bin cao cao".. oh well.. hehe..

after that.. we went to waffle place?
haha.. dunno whut its called liou..
we joke joke laugh laugh.. etc.. so fun..
and i erm.. took a pict of poh poh.. shhh..

there's this girl he wanted to kiss ..
she asked him to close his eyes..
more romantic ma.. but she ran away..
then i had nth to do.. my phone was i my hands..
*snap*.. haha.. jkjk.. uh oh.. poh poh's gonna be so mad at me.. hehe..


here are sum picts frm yesterday.. lalala~
tada~! (bout the cigarette)
its obivious we're faking it..
nth else better to do ma..

For those that didnt knoe~
Cheyenne darling has a
blog dy~
there you go..
check it out~


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